Thursday, November 11, 2010

Foundation Work

At long last, we have some visible proof that we are going to build a house!  These pictures were taken on Tuesday in the rain, which has slowed down our progress, but folks, we have a foundation!  A foundation on which to build a safe, decent, affordable home for a family right here in the Valley.

With the promise of more sunshine in the coming days, the work will continue by both professionals and volunteers under the direction of Rick Wood, our construction manager.  For more information on volunteering, please go to our website:

It's so exciting to finally see something going up.  It has been almost two years since that first meeting in Berwick and many people have put in countless hours of behind the scenes work to get to this point.  Oh, I know that the work is far from over and for many more the work has just begun, but what a joyous feeling to be able to point to something concrete (forgive the pun) and say "There is 'our' house!"