Wednesday, November 2, 2011

The End Is Near!

Hi folks, 

Here's the latest on our build. Painting is mostly complete. A pro from from Windsor should finish it all tomorrow. Kitchen cabinets as well as upstairs bathroom vanities are installed. Flooring is not quite finished. We needed more flooring for one basement bedroom. It will be in shortly. Also waiting for two doors that have been ordered. Will be here next Tues. NSCC will return next Week to finish off front deck, flooring ,trim, doors anything else that needs doing. Our electrician will return next week to complete all electrical work. Plumbing and heating crew will also be on site next week to finish up their part. Solar heat and Nu Air installation will follow when we're ready. John and I are planning on finishing the front walkway tomorrow. Hopefully the washers and dryers, fridges and stoves will arrive tomorrow as well. Will keep you posted.The end is near!! - Greg 

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