Saturday, September 24, 2011

Come Join the Fun!

Hi Everyone,

Hope you enjoyed your summer! With the first day of Fall upon us, it is time to update our volunteers and bring you all up to speed.
Build progress continued all summer and we are now at the crack fill stage. We certainly need anyone who has expertise with this task and is able to volunteer some time. It would be greatly appreciated. Crack filling is one of those jobs which requires the hand of a skilled individual. If you can help with this please let me know!
Greg Hubbert is back in the saddle and can be found at the build site most days along with his side kick John Owen. We would be lost without the dedication shown by these two at the build site. We have also had other volunteer groups come out to join in and lend a hand-- 14 Wing Greenwood is one who has become a regular on site. The students are also back with the same energy and enthusiasm as the last group of students-- we cannot thank them and their instructors enough.

We are continuing to seek ways and means as funds are always needed. In order to do this we require your support. Rather than have one large group involved in all fundraisers, it has been decided to divide the events up so those who wish can volunteer for a specific event which may interest them. I have come up with a few ideas for events so ask anyone who may be interested in the following to let me help we require, we also need some able bodies to help out know. This would mean being part of an organizing committee for just the event you wish to participate in;

1) Handbags for Habitat---- a lady's evening but we welcome males to join in and help as well!

2) Benefit sport events

Apart from the Fundraising, we also need some able bodies who are willing to have a more permanent role with us. The following is a list of tasks which we need some people to take on;

1) Data base-- ensure date base is current as well as
2) Someone who is willing to update  our Gmail account and work with the person who is updating data base

We are always looking for donations of tools and building materials. If we cannot use what you have to donate, it is passed along to our Re Store in Dartmouth where it is sold which provides funding for us here in Valley as well. At this time we need donations of painting tools-- brushes, rollers, etc, as well as doorknobs.

I hope to hear back from you and welcome any constructive ideas you may have for any aspect of our build-- take time to drive out and see the progress, it is amazing what a community can do when they work together.

Thanks for your time,

Belinda Manning
Project Administrator
Fundraising Chair
HFH NS Annapolis Valley Project

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