Thursday, September 22, 2011

Big Things Happening!

Hi folks,
What a day we had yesterday! Over 30 people onsite and we fed them all. The good news regarding the food is that it was the end of our donated Larsen's hot dogs. 48 dozen and they're finally all gone.
The water was finally hooked up yesterday. We can't use it though until we make all of our final connections in the house. That means after we install cabinets likely this time next month.
We had 10 folks from Greenwood with us yesterday. [ The 4rth such group] and they worked on crack filling sanding etc. They will send another group next Wed and more when we need them for landscaping. We'll seed and sod as soon as we have water.
We also had 14 students from NSCC on site. They will be there 4 days a week until everything is complete. They have started trimming out windows and will hang all inside doors, lay all of our flooring,complete all front deck work,finish off all of the handrails on stairs,install all cabinets, and any other job we may need them to do. They are amazing!
Paint and doors are being delivered next Tues. We have a professional paint crew ready to go. We've hired some local guys to finish our crack filling for us. It really is the job that never ends .
I've asked someone to arrange a meal for our students every Tues. If any of you can help out in this way please contact us. A simple meal of sandwiches and a muffin would be greatly appreciated by our students.
Will keep in touch.

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