Saturday, June 25, 2011

Update from Greg!

Hi folks,

Another great week and much work accomplished.

Home Depot had an adopt a day today and we finished spreading all of the compost that Wolfville gave us. 15 to 20 truck loads today and the same amount last Sat. with a group from CFB Greenwood. Will start spreading top soil on Wed with another group from Home Depot.

Gerry Palmer and his crew started drywall work in both basements today. Ceilings and inside walls mostly done. Blower test for R-2000 next Wed.,then full speed ahead with dry wall work and crack filling. Rick Wood is bringing in a crew of students on July 6th to hang dry wall for us. Adrian Nette from Annapolis Royal will do all of our crack filling for us. Karol has some friends who are painters and they are ready to go when we need them. We have two local companies preparing quotes for cabinets.

Hope to have water and sewer connected in next few weeks. Have spoken with two companies regarding back hoe work for sewer line. Will meet with town staff hopefully this week to make final plans.

We're working every Tues., Wed. and Sat. Please feel free to drop by and lend a hand whenever you can. There is always lots of little jobs to do.

Wednesday, June 15, 2011

Build Update from Greg

Hi folks,

Just a short note to keep you posted as to our progress on the build. Had a great day today. Completed vapour barrier work in upstairs of the 104 unit. Landscaping is coming along nicely . We have 12 volunteers coming next Wed so they should be able to finish up all of the raking and rock work and likely start spreading the compost and top soil that we have on site. Will rent a dry wall jack [for putting dry wall on ceilings I've learned] for the week after next. We have a professional crack filler to complete all of that work when we're ready.

Judy has a bunch of volunteers booked and a number of adopt a days as well. Also a new partner in Sandy MacDow owner of Crown Kitchens. She'll prepare a quote for our cabinets as well as make contact with her suppliers for donations of hardware and counter tops.

Call Judy and book yourself in for a fun day on site. Bring a friend. I'll cook some hot dogs.

Talk to you soon.

2011 Apple Dome Auction

Habitat for Humanity, Nova Scotia, Annapolis Valley Project “Building Dreams” Auction

Habitat for Humanity, Nova Scotia, Annapolis Valley Project held their second annual auction on June 11th at the Apple Dome in Berwick. To say it was a success would be an understatement. Attendance alone was triple that of last year and money raised was over double. The atmosphere was wonderful with warmth from the generosity and willingness to help, the Valley is so famous for.

The two families which have been selected to purchase the first HFH duplex, located in Wolfville were on hand to help with the work at the auction. Having both speak to the crowd was defining highlight of the evening. It allowed those who may not know about Habitat’s goals to understand what a difference it makes in families lives when they are provided with a “Hand Up not a Hand Out”. Many local businesses and their employees were present, purchasing full tables—Michelin, TD, RBC, Exit Reality, Donna Conrad, Berwick Building Supplies, Rafuse Mechanical, Town of Wolfville, Village of New Minas, J.A.G Trusses, and Kings Mutual. Local businesses open their hearts when we asked for donations and the result was simply amazing, bringing in well over 200 wonderful items to help us raise necessary funds to finish this first Habitat build in the Valley. With the excellent skills of Bobbie Best as auctioneer, the great food of the Berwick Lions, the wine from Jost Winery, and the help of over 12 Habitat willing volunteers, the evening was an incredible achievement of like minded Valley folk coming together to help build better communities.

Habitat for Humanity, NS, Annapolis Valley is continuing their build and invites all to join us. From helping at the build site, to working at one of the fundraising events, we need you! If you would like more information, please email and visit our web site at

Working with Habitat is an experience you will not soon forget and there is no doubt the Valley’s people have opened their hearts and come together forging a partnership which hopefully will endure providing the working poor with a safe, decent, affordable place to call home!

Sunday, June 12, 2011

Apple Dome Auction 2011

Wow what an amazing auction last night. We all enjoyed great food, and the company of wonderful people. We are so blessed to have a valley full of people who never fail to help others! Not sure of totals yet but it definitely doubled last years effort. The room was filled to capacity with like minded supporters, our sponsors, our two families and great auction items. Thank you to everyone who attended and to all those who gave so generously. Be sure to check out our auction photos. More details will be in newsletter.

We are still building and need your help. We are building on Tuesdays, Wednesdays and Saturdays, but if there is a group which would like to come on an alternate day, we will accommodate . All you need to bring is a smile, and some water-- we supply all the rest. Please come along and help us finish the duplex. Contact Judy Rafuse prior to coming so we know how many to expect. Her email is

Thanks so much,
Belinda Manning
Project Administrator

Monday, June 6, 2011

Mayor of Wolfville Newsletter

With winter now past and the cold snowy days behind us, we are forging ahead with the first Habitat for Humanity build in the Annapolis Valley. The students from two classes of NSCC, lead by their instructors, Mike Fiefield and Brian Rideout did an amazing job all winter, in all types of weather conditions, leaving us with a roof tight build! We cannot thank them enough for their outstanding work and dedication. Recently, Paddies in Wolfville helped us honour them with a small but well deserved celebration of their remarkable achievement and support. One of the families who have been selected to purchase this build was along to say thanks!

The students are not the only locals who have shared their time and skills with us. Teams from RBC, TD and Mud Creek Rotary have all shared in the excitement of being able to say they have been a part of this project through our Adopt a Day fundraiser. We are soon expecting another team from Valley Credit Union to join the ranks and come along for a day which is an experience unlike any other! We are still accepting groups for our Adopt a Day events and if you can form a team of up to ten people and wish to help by raising some funds as well as swinging the hammer please let us know. Information about our Adopt a Day project is available by visiting our web site.

We are accepting all volunteers whether you are a part of an Adopt a Day group or not on Wednesdays and Saturdays. Please contact us prior to coming. We provide everything from the hard hats to the boots and tools and all you need to bring is a good attitude and a smile for the day ahead! No skills are required, we will teach you all you need to know and treat you to a great day!

The build on Maple Avenue will have all electrical work completed this week and we will be working on some inside building tasks such as dry walling, painting, plus some landscaping, building decks and pathways so there is plenty still ahead and we wish to invite all in the community to become a partner in this build.

We are still raising funds for this project and our biggest fundraiser is fast approaching. The ―Building Dreams‖ auction—aptly named by one of our families—is being held on June 11th, 6 pm at the Apple Dome in Berwick. Tickets are still available by contacting us or dropping by the Town of Wolfville office. The auction promises to be an exciting evening with many items up for bid, a roast beef supper and entertainment. Habitat for Humanity provides a ―Hand Up not a Hand Out‖ to the working poor in our community, we invite you to join us and be a part of a worthwhile community project.

More information can be found at or by emailing habitat.
Belinda Manning
Project Administrator
Habitat for Humanity, Nova Scotia
Annapolis Valley Project

Thursday, June 2, 2011

Hi folks,
We passed our electrical inspection today. This means that we can finally get busy insulating, putting up our vapour barrier and then starting to install sheet rock.
In addition, Our volunteer bulldozer operator arrived today and pushed dirt all over the place . We're ready to start landscaping and will need lots of volunteers to shovel, rake, push wheelbarrows and gather up rocks. Thanks to Nancy Maxner and Jonn Owen for being on site to give direction to the dozer operator.
Our two back decks [upper and lower] are finished. We have the materials on site to begin work on the front deck. Again thanks to Nancy Maxner for getting all materials for our decks donated. We love free stuff!!
Enjoy this beautiful weekend. Look forward to seeing all of you at the auction.