Monday, June 6, 2011

Mayor of Wolfville Newsletter

With winter now past and the cold snowy days behind us, we are forging ahead with the first Habitat for Humanity build in the Annapolis Valley. The students from two classes of NSCC, lead by their instructors, Mike Fiefield and Brian Rideout did an amazing job all winter, in all types of weather conditions, leaving us with a roof tight build! We cannot thank them enough for their outstanding work and dedication. Recently, Paddies in Wolfville helped us honour them with a small but well deserved celebration of their remarkable achievement and support. One of the families who have been selected to purchase this build was along to say thanks!

The students are not the only locals who have shared their time and skills with us. Teams from RBC, TD and Mud Creek Rotary have all shared in the excitement of being able to say they have been a part of this project through our Adopt a Day fundraiser. We are soon expecting another team from Valley Credit Union to join the ranks and come along for a day which is an experience unlike any other! We are still accepting groups for our Adopt a Day events and if you can form a team of up to ten people and wish to help by raising some funds as well as swinging the hammer please let us know. Information about our Adopt a Day project is available by visiting our web site.

We are accepting all volunteers whether you are a part of an Adopt a Day group or not on Wednesdays and Saturdays. Please contact us prior to coming. We provide everything from the hard hats to the boots and tools and all you need to bring is a good attitude and a smile for the day ahead! No skills are required, we will teach you all you need to know and treat you to a great day!

The build on Maple Avenue will have all electrical work completed this week and we will be working on some inside building tasks such as dry walling, painting, plus some landscaping, building decks and pathways so there is plenty still ahead and we wish to invite all in the community to become a partner in this build.

We are still raising funds for this project and our biggest fundraiser is fast approaching. The ―Building Dreams‖ auction—aptly named by one of our families—is being held on June 11th, 6 pm at the Apple Dome in Berwick. Tickets are still available by contacting us or dropping by the Town of Wolfville office. The auction promises to be an exciting evening with many items up for bid, a roast beef supper and entertainment. Habitat for Humanity provides a ―Hand Up not a Hand Out‖ to the working poor in our community, we invite you to join us and be a part of a worthwhile community project.

More information can be found at or by emailing habitat.
Belinda Manning
Project Administrator
Habitat for Humanity, Nova Scotia
Annapolis Valley Project

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