Saturday, June 25, 2011

Update from Greg!

Hi folks,

Another great week and much work accomplished.

Home Depot had an adopt a day today and we finished spreading all of the compost that Wolfville gave us. 15 to 20 truck loads today and the same amount last Sat. with a group from CFB Greenwood. Will start spreading top soil on Wed with another group from Home Depot.

Gerry Palmer and his crew started drywall work in both basements today. Ceilings and inside walls mostly done. Blower test for R-2000 next Wed.,then full speed ahead with dry wall work and crack filling. Rick Wood is bringing in a crew of students on July 6th to hang dry wall for us. Adrian Nette from Annapolis Royal will do all of our crack filling for us. Karol has some friends who are painters and they are ready to go when we need them. We have two local companies preparing quotes for cabinets.

Hope to have water and sewer connected in next few weeks. Have spoken with two companies regarding back hoe work for sewer line. Will meet with town staff hopefully this week to make final plans.

We're working every Tues., Wed. and Sat. Please feel free to drop by and lend a hand whenever you can. There is always lots of little jobs to do.

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