Sunday, June 12, 2011

Apple Dome Auction 2011

Wow what an amazing auction last night. We all enjoyed great food, and the company of wonderful people. We are so blessed to have a valley full of people who never fail to help others! Not sure of totals yet but it definitely doubled last years effort. The room was filled to capacity with like minded supporters, our sponsors, our two families and great auction items. Thank you to everyone who attended and to all those who gave so generously. Be sure to check out our auction photos. More details will be in newsletter.

We are still building and need your help. We are building on Tuesdays, Wednesdays and Saturdays, but if there is a group which would like to come on an alternate day, we will accommodate . All you need to bring is a smile, and some water-- we supply all the rest. Please come along and help us finish the duplex. Contact Judy Rafuse prior to coming so we know how many to expect. Her email is

Thanks so much,
Belinda Manning
Project Administrator

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